So I found some SVO switches on Craigslist with a hacked up harness for a decent price so I can re-purpose them in my Capri. I have 4 total – One works as it should, one does nothing and the other 2 power my stuff but the lights don’t work…so I had to tinker…
I know it’s “just a switch” but it’s awesome to see how this particular one works…lol
The base of the switch is made of 2 halves held together with clips and covered with a trim plate…
Here’s my good switch – cleaned, re-labeled and ready to go:
You can see the trim plate folded over – top and bottom:
This shows the 2 bottom clips (there are 4 total – 2 top, 2 bottom):
The clips just pop off using a small screwdriver – hold on to them as they will fly off:
The 2 halves together with 1 clip in the frame:
Here is the actual “switch” itself – pretty cool…This would be in the “ON” position…the bar just “see-saws” the switch on and off making contact with the nub on the right…see next 2 pics for better reference…This switch is super tight and clicks REALLY nice! lol (Left to right – Ground, power out, power in)
Here is the switch in the body…in the “OFF” position:
Here is the actual “rocker” part of the switch…it’s got a spring loaded rod in the middle that helps give a nice “CLICK” on and off:
The switch that did nothing actually works…but the rod is broken not allowing it to function properly…it’s loose and sloppy:
Here’s a busted light:
And the sloppy switch mechanicals – I was able bend the tabs to keep the “see-saw” in place – along with a good rocker this switch works good now:
New LED’s. Whoo-Hoo. I originally got some from Radio Shack but realized after I got them home they were only good for like 3.6V. There is no room for an external resistor so I had to find some with the resistor built in. A bit of a pain but I finally found some…
After some marking, cutting and gentle persuasion I got them in place and soldiered on…I have tested them as well and they work awesome (no pics yet)
Still have the other 2 to do…even though they work I figure since they are out why not replace 26 y/o bulbs! 🙂 Hope to finish this whole project soon…
Even though they are just switches – pretty interesting project I though…hopefully it’s helpful for someone else. Enjoy!